Thursday, April 7, 2022

H C Verma solutions, ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, Chapter-38, EXERCISES, Q71 to Q80, Concepts of Physics, Part-II

Electromagnetic Induction


    71.  A coil having an inductance of 2.0 H and resistance of 20 Ω is connected to a battery of emf 4.0 V. Find (a) the current at the instant 0.20 s after the connection is made and (b) the magnetic field energy at this instant.  

ANSWER: Given L =2.0 H, R =20 Ω. 

Hence 𝝉 =L/R =2.0/20 s =0.1 s, and 

Steady-state current iₒ =4.0/20 A =0.20 A.

(a) So, from i =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

Current after 0.20 s, 

=0.20*(1-e-0.20/0.10) A

=0.20*(1-e⁻²) A

=0.20*0.86 A

=0.17 A.

(b) The magnetic field energy at this instant 

U =½Li²

  =½*2.0*(0.17)² J

  ≈0.03 J.  


    72.  A coil of resistance 40 Ω is connected across a 4.0 V battery. 0.10 s after the battery is connected, the current in the coil is 63 mA. Find the inductance of the coil.   

ANSWER: R =40 Ω, Ɛ =4.0 V. t =0.10 s, i =63 mA =0.063 A.

iₒ =Ɛ/R =4.0/40 A =0.10 A

Hence, i = iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

→0.063 =0.10*(1-e-0.10/𝝉)

→e-0.10/𝝉 =1 -0.63 =0.37

→-0.10/𝝉 =ln 0.37 =-0.99

→𝝉 =0.10

→L/R =0.10

→L =0.10*R =0.10*40 H 

→L =4.0 H.



    73.  An inductor of inductance 5.0 H, having a negligible resistance, is connected in series with a 100 Ω resistor and a battery of emf 2.0 V. Find the potential difference across the resistor 20 ms after the current is switched on.   

ANSWER: Steady-state current, 

iₒ =2.0/100 A =0.02 A, 

t =20 ms =0.02 s

𝝉 =L/R =5.0/100 s =0.05 s

Hence, i =iₒ(1-e-t/𝝉)

→i =0.02*(1-e-0.02/0.05)


   =0.0066 A

Hence the potential difference across the resistor,


=0.0066*100 V

=0.66 V.



    74.  The time constant of an LR circuit is 40 ms. The circuit is connected at t =0 and the steady-state current is found to be 2.0 A. Find the current at (a) t =10 ms, (b) t =20 ms, (c) t =100 ms and (d) t = 1 s.  

ANSWER: 𝝉 =40 ms =0.040 s

iₒ =2.0 A.

From i =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

we have,  

(a) At t =10 ms,

t/𝝉 =10/40 =0.25

Hence the current at t =10 ms,

i =2.0*(1 -e-0.25) A

  =0.44 A

(b) At t = 20 ms,

t/𝝉 =20/40 =0.5

Hence the current at t =20 ms,

i =2.0*(1-e-0.5) A

  =0.79 A.

(c) At t = 100 ms,

t/𝝉 =100/40 =2.5

Hence the current at t =100 ms,

i =2.0*(1 -e-2.5) A

  =1.8 A.

(d) At t =1 s,

 t/𝝉 =1/0.04 =25

Hence the current at t =1 s,

i =2.0*(1 -e⁻²⁵) A

  =2.0 A.  


    75.  An LR circuit has L = 1.0 H and R =20 Ω. It is connected across an emf of 2.0 V at t =0. Find di/dt at (a) t =100 ms, (b) t =200 ms and (c) t =1.0 s.  

ANSWER: Steady-state current, 

iₒ =V/R =2.0/20 A =0.10 A 

𝝉 =L/R =1.0/20 s =0.05 s

Hence the current at time t is,

i =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

So, di/dt =iₒ{-e-t/𝝉*(-1/𝝉)}

→di/dt =iₒe-t/𝝉/𝝉

          =0.10 e-t/0.05/0.05 A/s

        =2 e-20t A/s

(a) at t =100 ms =0.10 s,

di/dt = 2*e-20*0.10 A/s

       = 2*e-2

      = 0.27 A/s

(b) at t = 200 ms =0.20 s

di/dt =2*e-20*0.20 A/s

      =2*e-4 A/s

     =0.036 A/s

(c) at t = 1.0 s

di/dt =2*e-20*1.0 A/s

      = 2/e20 A/s

     = 4.1x10⁻⁹ A/s.



    76.  What are the values of the self-induced emf in the circuit of the previous problem at the times indicated therein?  

ANSWER: The magnitude of self-induced emf is given by, 

Ɛ = L*di/dt

For the previous problem

   di/dt =2 e-20t A/s

(a) At t =100 ms, the calculated di/dt =0.27 A/s

Hence the value of self-induced emf  at t =100 ms, 

 Ɛ =L*di/dt 

   =1.0*0.27 V

   =0.27 V.

(b) At t = 200 ms, the calculated value of di/dt =0.036 A/s.

Hence the value of self-induced emf, Ɛ

Ɛ =L*di/dt

  =1.0*0.036 V

  =0.036 V.

(c) At t = 1.0 s, the calculated value of di/dt =4.1x10⁻⁹ A/s

Hence the value of self-induced emf,

 Ɛ =L*di/dt

   =1.0*4.1x10⁻⁹ V

   =4.1x10⁻⁹ V.  



    77.  An inductor coil of inductance 20 mH having resistance 10 Ω is joined to an ideal battery of emf 5.0 V. Find the rate of change of the induced emf at (a) t =0, (b) t = 10 ms, and (c) t =1.0 s.  

ANSWER: L =20 mH =0.02 H, 

R =10 Ω, 𝝉 =L/R =0.02/10 =0.002 s

Steady-state current,

 iₒ =E/R =5.0/10 =0.5 A

At any instant t/𝝉 = t/0.002 =500t

Hence the current at any instant,

i =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

  =0.5*(1 -e⁻⁵⁰⁰t)

Hence di/dt = 0.5*{-e-500t*(-500)}

 →di/dt =250e-500t

So the self-induced emf at time t is,

Ɛ =-Ldi/dt

  =-0.02*250 e-500t

  =-5 e-500t

The rate of change of the induced emf at time t,

dƐ/dt =-5*(-500) e-500t

    =2500 e-500t

(a) at t =0,

dƐ/dt =2500*e⁰ V/s

     =2500 V/s. 

     =2.5x10³ V/s.

(b) At t =10 ms =0.01 s

  dƐ/dt =2500*e-500*0.01 V/s

       =2500*e⁻⁵ V/s

       ≈17 V/s

(c) At t =1.0 s,

dƐ/dt =2500*e⁻⁵⁰⁰ V/s

       ≈ 0 V/s.



    78.  An LR circuit contains an inductor of 500 mH, a resistor of 25.0 Ω, and an emf of 5.0 V in series. Find the potential difference across the resistor at t = (a) 20.0 ms, (b) 100 ms and (c) 1.00 s.  

ANSWER: L =500 mH =0.50 H, 

R =25 Ω, 𝝉 =L/R =0.5/25 s =0.02 s

Steady-state current, 

iₒ =5.0/25 A =0.20 A

If i is the current at any time t, then

The potential difference across the resistor =iR

  =R*iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)


  =5(1 -e-50t)

(a) At t = 20.0 ms =0.02 s

P.D. =5*(1-e⁻¹) V =3.16 V.

(b) At t =100 ms =0.10 s

P.D. =5*(1-e⁻⁵) V =4.97 V

(c) At t =1.00 s

P.D. =5*(1-e⁻⁵⁰) V

      =5.00 V


    79.  An inductor coil of resistance 10 Ω and inductance 120 mH is connected across a battery of emf 6.0 V and internal resistance 2 Ω. Find the charge that flows through the inductor in (a) 10 ms, (b) 20 ms, and (c) 100 ms after the connections are made.  

ANSWER: R =10 Ω, r =2 Ω,

L =120 mH =0.12 H 

𝝉 =L/(R+r) =0.12/12 s =0.01 s

Ɛ =6.0 V

Hence steady-state current 

iₒ =6.0/(10+2) A =0.5 A.

The current at any time t is,

i =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)

The flow of charge in a small time dt is,

dQ =idt

→dQ =iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)dt

Hence Q =∫dQ

    =∫iₒ(1 -e-t/𝝉)dt

   =iₒ[t -e-t/𝝉/(-1/𝝉)]

   =iₒ[t +𝝉e-t/𝝉]

Keeping the limits of integration between t =0 to t =t we get,

 Q =iₒ{t+𝝉e-t/𝝉 -𝝉}

  =0.5{t+0.01 e-100t -0.01}

  =5x10⁻³{100t+e-100t -1}

(a) Up till t=10 ms =0.01 s, 

100t =100*0.01 s =1.0 s 

Charge flows through the inductor, 

  =5x10⁻³{1+e⁻¹-1} C

  =5x10⁻³/e C

  =1.8x10⁻³ C

  =1.8 mC.

(b) For t =20 ms =0.02 s

100t =100*0.02 s =2 s

Charge flows through the inductor in 20 ms, 

Q =5x10⁻³{2 +e⁻² -1} C

   =5x10⁻³*1.14 C

   =5.7x10⁻³ C

   =5.7 mC.

(c) For t =100 ms =0.10 s 

100t =100*0.10 s =10 s

Hence the flow of charge through the inductor in 100 ms, 

Q =5x10⁻³{10+e⁻¹⁰-1} C

  =5x10⁻³{9+e⁻¹⁰} C

  =5x10⁻³*9.00 C

  =45x10⁻³ C

  =45 mC.





    80.  An inductor coil of the inductance of 17 mH is constructed from copper wire of a length of 100 m and a cross-sectional area of 1 mm². Calculate the time constant of the circuit if this inductor is joined across an ideal battery. The resistivity of copper =1.7x 10⁻⁸ Ω-m.   

ANSWER: Inductance, L =17 mH =0.017 H

Length of the wire, l =100 m, 

The cross-sectional area of the wire, A =1 mm² = 1x10⁻⁶ m².  

Given resistivity,

⍴ =1.7x10⁻⁸ Ω-m

The relation between the resistance of a wire R and resistivity is,

⍴ =R*(A/l)

→R =⍴l/A

    =1.7x10⁻⁸*100/1x10⁻⁶ Ω

   =1.7 Ω

Hence the time constant of the circuit,

𝜏 =L/R

  =0.017/1.7 s

  =0.01 s

  =10 ms.



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Links to the Chapters

CHAPTER- 34- Magnetic Field

CHAPTER- 29- Electric Field and Potential

CHAPTER- 28- Heat Transfer


EXERCISES - Q51 to Q55

CHAPTER- 27-Specific Heat Capacities of Gases

CHAPTER- 26-Laws of Thermodynamics


Questions for Short Answer



EXERCISES - Q-11 to Q-18

CHAPTER- 24-Kinetic Theory of Gases

CHAPTER- 23 - Heat and Temperature

CHAPTER- 17 - Light Waves

CHAPTER- 14 - Fluid Mechanics

CHAPTER- 13 - Fluid Mechanics

CHAPTER- 12 - Simple Harmonic Motion

CHAPTER- 11 - Gravitation

CHAPTER- 10 - Rotational Mechanics

CHAPTER- 9 - Center of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision

CHAPTER- 8 - Work and Energy

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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-II

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Click here for → Exercises (11-20)

Click here for → Exercises (21-30)

Click here for → Exercises (31-42)

Click here for → Exercise(43-54)

CHAPTER- 7 - Circular Motion

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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-I

Click here for → OBJECTIVE-II

Click here for → EXERCISES (1-10)

Click here for → EXERCISES (11-20)

Click here for → EXERCISES (21-30)

CHAPTER- 6 - Friction

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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-I

Click here for → Friction - OBJECTIVE-II

Click here for → EXERCISES (1-10)

Click here for → Exercises (11-20)

Click here for → EXERCISES (21-31)

For more practice on problems on friction solve these- "New Questions on Friction".


CHAPTER- 5 - Newton's Laws of Motion


Click here for→Newton's Laws of Motion,Exercises(Q.No. 13 to 27)


CHAPTER- 4 - The Forces

The Forces-

"Questions for short Answers"    

Click here for "The Forces" - OBJECTIVE-I

Click here for "The Forces" - OBJECTIVE-II

Click here for "The Forces" - Exercises


CHAPTER- 3 - Kinematics - Rest and Motion

Click here for "Questions for short Answers"

Click here for "OBJECTIVE-I"

Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 1 to 10)

Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 11 to 20)

Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 21 to 30)

Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 31 to 40)

Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 41 to 52)

CHAPTER- 2 - "Physics and Mathematics"

Click here for "Questions for Short Answers"

Click here for "OBJECTIVE-II"

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