1. A uniform slab of dimension 10 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm is kept between two heat reservoirs at temperatures 10°C and 90°C. The larger surface areas touch the reservoirs. The thermal conductivity of the material is 0.80 W/m-°C. Find the amount of heat flowing through the slab per minute.

Diagram for Q-1

Answer: The heat flows from the hotter face towards the colder face. The area of the cross-section perpendicular to the heat flow is
A = 10 cm x 10 cm = 100 cm² =0.01 m².
Given that
K = 0.80 W/m-°C,
T - T' =90°C -10°C =80 °C,
Thickness of the wall,
x = 1 cm =0.01 m
The amount of heat flowing per second is
ΔQ/Δt = KA(T-T')/x
=0.80*0.01*80/0.01 J
=64 J
Hence the amount of heat flowing per minute = 64*60 J
=3840 J.
2. A liquid nitrogen container is made of a 1 cm thick thermocoal sheet having thermal conductivity 0.025 J/m-s-°C. Liquid nitrogen at 80 K is kept in it. A total area of 0.80 m² is in contact with the liquid nitrogen. The atmospheric temperature is 300 K. Calculate the rate of heat flow from the atmosphere to the liquid nitrogen.
Answer: Difference in temperature,
T - T' = 300 K- 80K =220 K.
Thermal conductivity K =0.025 J/m-s-°C,
Area of contact, A = 0.80 m²
Thickness of the container, x =1 cm =0.01 m.
Hence the heat flowing per second,
ΔQ/Δt = KA(T-T')/x
=0.025*0.80*220/0.01 J/s
=20*22 W =440 W
3. The normal body temperature of a person is 97°F. Calculate the rate at which heat is flowing out of his body through the clothes assuming the following values. Room temperature = 47°F, the surface of the body under clothes = 1.6 m², conductivity of the cloth = 0.04 J/m-s-°C, the thickness of the cloth = 0.5 cm.
Answer: The difference of the temperature,
T - T' = 97°F - 47°F =50°F
Thermal conductivity K =0.04 J/m-s-°C,
Area of contact, A = 1.60 m²
Thickness of clothes, x =0.5 cm =0.005 m.
Hence the heat flowing out of the body through clothes per second,
ΔQ/Δt = KA(T-T')/x
=0.04*1.60*27.78/0.005 J/s
=356 W
4. Water is boiled in a container having a bottom of surface area 25 cm², thickness 1.0 mm and thermal conductivity 50 W/m-°C. 100 g of water is converted into steam per minute in the steady-state after the boiling starts. Assuming that no heat is lost to the atmosphere, calculate the temperature of the lower surface of the bottom. Latent heat of vaporization of water = 2.26 x 10⁶ J/kg.
Answer: Temperature of the boiling water, T' =100°C = temperature of the upper surface of the bottom,
Let the temperature of the lower surface of the bottom = T. So the temperature difference = (T - 100)
Surface area, A = 25 cm² =0.0025 m²
Thickness of the bottom, x = 1 mm =0.001 m.
Thermal conductivity, K = 50 W/m-°C
In the steady-state 100 g of water is converted into steam, hence the heat flowing per second through the bottom
= (100/1000)*2.26x10⁶/60 J
= 3767 J
But the heat flowing per second is given as
KA(T-T')/x, equating the two with substituting data
50*0.0025*(T-100)/0.001 =3767
→T-100 =3.767/(50*0.0025)
→T-100 = 30
→T = 130°C.
5. One end of a steel rod (K = 46 J/m-s-°C) of length 1.0 m is kept in ice at 0°C and the other end is kept boiling water at 100°C. The area of cross-section of the rod is 0.04 cm². Assuming no heat loss to the atmosphere, find the mass of the ice melting per second. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x 10⁵ J/kg.
Answer: K = 46 J/m-s-°C,
A =0.04 cm² =4x10⁻⁶ m²
Temperature difference, T-T' =100°C
x = 1.0 m
Hence heat flowing per second,
= KA(T-T')/x
= 46*4x10⁻⁶*100/1.0
= 0.0184 J
Latent heat of fusion of ice, L = 3.36x10⁵ J/kg
Hence the mass of ice melting per second = 0.0184/3.36x10⁵ kg
= 0.0055x10⁻⁵ kg
= 5.5x10⁻⁵ g
6. An icebox almost completely filled with ice at 0°C is dipped into a large volume of water at 20°C. The box has walls of surface area 2400 cm², thickness 2.0 mm and thermal conductivity 0.06 W/m-°C. Calculate the rate at which the ice melts in the box. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.4 x10⁵ J/kg.
Answer: The temperature difference,
T-T' = 20-0 =20°C
A = 2400 cm² =0.24 m²
K = 0.06 W/m-°C
x = 2 mm = 0.002 m
Hence heat flowing per second
= KA(T-T')/x
= 0.06*0.24*20/0.002 J/s
= 144 J/s
Hence the mass of ice melting per second
= 144/3.4x10⁵ kg
And the mass of ice melting per hour
= 144*3600/3.4x10⁵ kg/h
= 1.5 kg/h
7. A pitcher with 1 mm thick porous walls contains 10 kg of water. Water comes to its outer surface and evaporates at a rate of 0.1 g/s. The surface area of the pitcher (one side) = 200 cm². The room temperature = 42°C, latent heat of vaporization = 2.27x10⁶ J/kg, and the thermal conductivity of the porous walls = 0.80 J/m-s-°C. Calculate the temperature of water in the pitcher when it attains a constant value.
Answer: When the water vaporizes it takes the heat from the water. Per-second evaporation of water = 0.1 g =1x10⁻⁴ kg.
Per second heat loss from the water
= 1x10⁻⁴*2.27x10⁶ J = 227 J
Let the temperature of water in steady-state = T,
Temperature difference = 42 - T
A = 200 cm² = 0.02 m²
x = 1 mm = 0.001 m
Writing the equation for heat flow,
KA(T-T')/x =227
→0.80*0.02*(42-T)/0.001 =227
→42-T =227*0.001/(0.8*0.02)
→42-T = 14
→T =42 - 14 = 28°C.
8. A steel frame (K = 45 W/m-°C) of a total length of 60 cm and a cross-sectional area 0.20 cm², forms three sides of a square. The free ends are maintained at 20°C and 40°C. Find the rate of heat flow through a cross-section of the frame.
Answer: Here, x = 60 cm = 0.60 m.
A = 0.20 cm² = 2x10⁻⁵ m²
K = 45 W/m-°C
Temperature difference. T -T' =20°C,
Hence the rate of heat flow =KA(T-T')/x
= 0.03 W.
9. Water at 50°C is filled in a closed cylindrical vessel of height 10 cm and a cross-sectional area 10 cm². The walls of the vessel are adiabatic but the flat parts are made of 1 mm thick aluminum (K = 200 J/m-s-°C). Assume that the outside temperature is 20°C. The density of water is 1000 kg/m³, and the specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg-°C. Estimate the time taken for the temperature to fall by 1.0°C. Make any simplifying assumptions you need but specify them.
Answer: Assuming that during the fall of temperature by 1°C the rate of heat flow outside is constant. Also that the temperature of the water remains the same everywhere in its volume. So when the water temperature is dropped by 1°C, the heat lost by it is = m*s
= (100/1000)*4200 J
=420 J
Heat lost through each of the flat sides = 210 J. If the time taken during the fall of temperature by 1°C = t, then the rate of heat transfer through one flat side = 210/t J/s. Hence
210/t = KA(T-T')/x
→t =210x/KA(T-T')
→t = 210*0.001/(200*0.001*29.5)
{we take average temperature=(50+49)/2=49.5°C}
→t = 0.035 s.
10. The left end of a copper rod (length = 20 cm, area of cross-section = 0.20 cm²) is maintained at 20°C and the right end is maintained at 80°C. Neglecting any loss of heat through radiation, find (a) temperature at a point 11 cm from the left end and (b) the heat current through the rod. Thermal conductivity of copper = 385 W/m-°C.
Answer: (a) The temperature gradient of the rod =(80-20)/20 =3°C/cm. Hence the temperature at a point 11 cm from the left end = 20°C +(11 cm)*3°C/cm
= 20+33 =53°C.
(b) Heat current flowing through the rod =KA(T-T')/x
= 385*(0.00002)*(80-20)/0.2
= 2.31 J/s.
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Links to the Chapters
Links to the Chapters
CHAPTER- 26-Laws of Thermodynamics
Questions for Short Answer
EXERCISES - Q-11 to Q-18
CHAPTER- 24-Kinetic Theory of Gases
CHAPTER- 23 - Heat and Temperature
CHAPTER- 21 - Speed of Light
CHAPTER- 20 - Dispersion and Spectra
CHAPTER- 19 - Optical Instruments
CHAPTER- 18 - Geometrical Optics
CHAPTER- 17 - Light Waves
CHAPTER- 16 - Sound Waves
CHAPTER- 15 - Wave Motion and Waves on a String
CHAPTER- 14 - Fluid Mechanics
CHAPTER- 13 - Fluid Mechanics
CHAPTER- 12 - Simple Harmonic Motion
CHAPTER- 11 - Gravitation
CHAPTER- 10 - Rotational Mechanics
CHAPTER- 9 - Center of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision
CHAPTER- 26-Laws of Thermodynamics
Questions for Short Answer
CHAPTER- 24-Kinetic Theory of Gases
CHAPTER- 23 - Heat and Temperature
CHAPTER- 21 - Speed of Light
CHAPTER- 20 - Dispersion and Spectra
CHAPTER- 19 - Optical Instruments
CHAPTER- 18 - Geometrical Optics
CHAPTER- 17 - Light Waves
CHAPTER- 16 - Sound Waves
CHAPTER- 15 - Wave Motion and Waves on a String
CHAPTER- 14 - Fluid Mechanics
CHAPTER- 13 - Fluid Mechanics
CHAPTER- 12 - Simple Harmonic Motion
CHAPTER- 11 - Gravitation
CHAPTER- 10 - Rotational Mechanics
CHAPTER- 9 - Center of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision
CHAPTER- 8 - Work and Energy
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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-II
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Click here for → Exercises (11-20)
CHAPTER- 7 - Circular Motion
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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-II
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Click here for → EXERCISES (21-30)
CHAPTER- 6 - Friction
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Click here for → OBJECTIVE-II
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Click here for → EXERCISES (21-30)
CHAPTER- 6 - Friction
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Click here for → Questions for Short Answer
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Click here for → Friction - OBJECTIVE-II
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Click here for → Friction - OBJECTIVE-II
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Click here for → Exercises (11-20)
Click here for → EXERCISES (21-31)
CHAPTER- 5 - Newton's Laws of Motion
Click here for→ Newton's laws of motion - Objective - I
Click here for → Newton's Laws of Motion - Objective -II
Click here for → Newton's Laws of Motion-Exercises(Q. No. 1 to 12)
Click here for→ Newton's laws of motion - Objective - I
Click here for → Newton's Laws of Motion - Objective -II
Click here for → Newton's Laws of Motion-Exercises(Q. No. 1 to 12)
Click here for→Newton's Laws of Motion,Exercises(Q.No. 13 to 27)
CHAPTER- 4 - The Forces
The Forces-
"Questions for short Answers"
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Click here for "The Forces" - OBJECTIVE-II
Click here for "The Forces" - Exercises
CHAPTER- 3 - Kinematics - Rest and Motion
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Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 11 to 20)
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Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 31 to 40)
Click here for EXERCISES (Question number 41 to 52)
CHAPTER- 2 - "Physics and Mathematics"
CHAPTER- 2 - "Physics and Mathematics"
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